"Stand where you are, Knight." August raises his arm authoritatively. His tail twitches - ready for a fight if one is to come.
The Knight raises his visor to reveal a grey face, strong with determination and devotion. "You have come back then? After all this time."
August ignores the question, after all its more of a statement than a question and he is here to accost the knight - not the other way around. "Where are you heading?"
The Knight responds by reaching to the pommel of his sword. "I will enter that Roadside Chapel." The knight says, taking a further step towards August. "You will not stop me."
August's bushy tail twitches again - even after all the battles of the Long Walk he hasn't faced anyone from outside Arcadia in a long time. There is part of him that wants to stretch out and prove he still has it in him but one thing is more important than any personal whim - his devotion to The City. Perhaps getting into conflict right away is not the best idea. Then again, maybe it is.
(A) Fight the Knight - To push back the darkness
(B) "What sort of a Knight has no horse?" - Sometimes obvious questions need to be asked
(C) "Where do you hail from, Knight? What nations still remain in this place?" - Perhaps a diplomatic approach is warranted
Continue (C)